
Saturday, February 4, 2017

Tomorrow will be a better day

The day has continued much as it started or maybe it's the migraine I finally kicked at 5 am... that's working it's way back.

We went to have her NJ tube placed under x-ray and they wanted to tie it in through one nostril and out the other so she will associate tugging on it with pain.  No Thank You.  I think we have enough pain in our little lives.

We tossed 24 hours worth of milk because she can't tolerate the formula they mixed it with and now she's not tolerating the other option well.  We only have two options.

We do not have our pain well managed today and Mommy is NOT okay with it.  We just got an order to add Morphine to the mix.  I'm hopeful that she will finally get a real stretch of sleep.

I finally held her but it caused her discomfort so I think we will wait a couple more days.  As much as I want to hold her I want it to be in her best interest, not

She should be sound asleep after getting some oxy an hour ago but instead she's checking out her swing.  The child life specialists here are amazing, Jen is our favorite and keeps us well supplied with swings, bouncers, mobiles etc.  She has started to enjoy board books, I love being able to distract her for a little while.

Two IVs have blown today.  Her foot is huge.  So grateful her nurse caught it when she did.

The IV team is on their way... enough said :(


  1. Oh Amy. Sounds like a rough tough day. So sorry!!! It pained me reading your words. I hope today has been better. <3

  2. Hi sweet girl! Sorry you are having a rough day. You have amazing parents,they'll help you the whole way. Auntie Rachel loves you!
