
Sunday, February 26, 2017

Looking good

Our appointment was full of good news!  Adelina's heart is doing as well as they wanted.  Her oxygen saturations are in the high 80's, which is amazing :)  Her EKG looked good and she no longer has wet lungs.  She is also not aspirating liquids into her lungs.

None of her meds have changed and she will remain on oxygen for some time which kind of surprised me but her cardiologist explained that the main concern after this surgery is fluid build up in and around the lungs, so the oxygen is more like a medicine than a life line.

We saw the feeding clinic and were cleared to give her bottles once a day and turn off her feeds for two hours a day.  We tried the bottle the first day and she took nothing :(   I was a little disappointed but hey, we have her and I can live with a tube.

I asked about going back to Texas and was told that we can talk about it in May.  It wasn't a no so I'm hopeful :)


  1. So glad to see her doing so well!

  2. This is good news. So happy to know she is doing better!

  3. That is great news!! She looks so good and so happy!! We miss you and your family!! Can't wait to meet little Addy!'
