
Thursday, October 27, 2016

Morning Rounds 10/27

So many changes this morning I can barely keep track.  First they are taking out her "pigtails" or the two chest tubes on her sides, she will still have one in the middle.  She no longer needs the four electrical leads in her heart so those are coming out too.  The port in her belly button is coming out slowly for the next hour, it's in a main artery so slow is better.  She has a few lines that nothing is going into so I doubt they'll be around long, yay!  She is still on Epinephrine for her blood pressure because she's on Lasik and it drops blood pressure so once one goes down the other will too.  They will do some tests tonight to see if she can breathe on her own, which they know she is doing now.  Tomorrow if everything goes well tonight, she will be extubated, in other words she will be breathing on her own.  We may get to hold her in the next couple of days :)  Her feeds are now going up every six hours by 1 cc which still really means she is getting almost nothing but is one more step towards real feedings.